One of the basic amenities of life is clothing, and everyone deserves these basic amenities like food, clothing and shelter , and many of the people of rural areas of Andhra Pradesh suffer from not having these basic necessities. And one such area in Andhra Pradesh is the village of Lambasingi, where the temperatures drop to very low degrees in winter seasons, Our Volunteers have initiated a campaign to collect used clothes to distribute to tribal areas.
Our volunteers segregated all the clothes according to gender and age. On the 24th July, a group of 29 volunteers took part in this drive where we visited 20 villages for clothes donation and chocolates distribution for kids. Some of the regions were very hard to travel but our volunteers were determined to give these clothes to people in need. This drive has brought happiness in those people and hope in their lives. We promised to help them with existing problems in every way possible.
Satish Karnatakapu
Sudharshan Lotla
Narasingh burra