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Advice For The Public

Advice For The Public

calendar_month Jun 20, 2024
lan Vaccine

We all are well aware that COVID cases are high everywhere around India. As a result, there are more chances for people to contact a person suffering from this virus. Unfortunately, we cannot stop the spread at once, but we can try reducing the frequency of the effect by following some simple precautions such as maintaining distance, wearing a mask, keeping windows and doors open for more ventilation, avoid crowded places and public gatherings, cleaning hands, coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.

Let's first talk about the Facts that we are facing during this Pandemic:

Hand Sanitizers:

Alcohol-based sanitizers don't create antibiotic resistance like other antiseptics or antibiotics. In addition, these sanitizers never created any health issues as the alcohol content absorbed into the skin is less, and most of the sanitizers have an emollient to reduce skin dryness.

Wearing Gloves or Cleaning Hands is Better:

The gloves that we wear can transfer germs from one surface to another. While removing them also we can contaminate our hands. So wearing gloves is not equal to clean hands. Certain people are allowed to wear them depending on what they are doing. Not all are required to wear them.

Touching Sanitizer Bottle at Public Places:

Once your hands are sanitized, the germs are killed and disinfected on the bottle. Most of us feel that sanitizers placed in public places are not safe as many people touch them. However, it's not true as the bottle is sanitized first and then kept for the public to use it. So, next time you go to a supermarket, use hand sanitizer to reduce the risk of germs on communal items and keep everyone safe.

WHO has made it essential to use an alcohol-based hand rub to all health workers, caregivers to protect the patients from the infection. When using alcohol-based sanitizer to clean our hands, cover all parts of your palm properly and rub your hands together until it's dry. This process must last for about 20-30 seconds. It's the same if you would like to wash your hands with soap. Rub your hands, both front and back, between the fingers and the palm for about 20-30 seconds and then wash them.

Know All About The Use Of Masks:

Just wearing a mask alone does not solve the problem of getting affected by the virus. It only tries to suppress the transmission of the virus from one person to another, which could save lives.

If one person at home get's affected, then the patient can be isolated and taken care. However, suppose the spread of the virus infects a community in that case, everyone living around must take great precautions like maintaining distance, wearing masks, clean and ventilated rooms, no parties and public gatherings, clean your hands frequently and cough on your bent elbow.

It's suggested to wear a mask as a part of your life. One should know how to use a mask correctly and store them and clean it properly if we can reuse it.

Let's see the basic rules on how we need to wear a mask:

  • Before wearing a mask, you need to clean your hands. One must clean hands after removing and after touching it. See that the mask covers your nose, mouth and chin properly.
  • If you're using a cloth mask, wash it every day after using it and store it in a clean plastic bag. If it's a disposable medical mask, throw it in a dustbin and wash your hands properly.
  • Always purchase cloth masks that have double protection and good cloth.

COVID-19 advice for the Public: Get Your Vaccination Today

In the middle of this pandemic situation, which has played a vital role in tracking the virus, understanding the cause and taking precautions by distributing the medicines to those in need. The world today is racing against time to develop and avail oneself of the vaccine.

Vaccine plays a crucial role in our body. It trains our immune system to fight back any bacteria or virus. Once a person is vaccinated, it forms a protective shield inside our body so that when we get exposed to diseases, our body is all already to fight back from falling sick. We have many ways to stay safe, but getting an effective vaccination can help people with serious illness or from dying due to COVID-19.

As of June 3rd, 2021, WHO has informed the following vaccines are safe to be given to the people. The names of the vaccines are:

  • AstraZeneca / Oxford Vaccine
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • Moderna
  • Pfizer
  • Sinopharm
  • Sinovac

Even if a person is affected before COVID, they must take whatever vaccine is available once they get well. Therefore, getting vaccinated as soon as possible is important, and do not wait once it's your turn. These vaccines might not give 100% protection, but still, they provide a high degree of safety against any serious illness.

Who Should Get Vaccinate:

Vaccines can be given to 18 and above; this also includes those who suffer from the auto-immune system for a long time. It can include hypertension, asthma, diabetes, pulmonary, kidney and chronic diseases. Contact your doctor if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Have a bad immune system
  • Have severe allergies to Vaccines

No vaccination is available for the kids, and even if they get affected, they will have mild symptoms compared to adults.

What To Expect After Being Vaccinated:

Once you are vaccinated, stay there for 15 minutes to 30 minutes so that the health workers can monitor you and help you in case of any emergency. Check with your care provider about the second dose of the vaccine if the vaccine you took has two doses. The second dose vaccine helps boost your immune system and strengths the whole body.

In most cases, one will have minor effects or normal. Common side effects of vaccination indicate that the body is responding to build protection against COVID-19. The effects are:

  • Arm Soreness
  • Mild Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Muscles or joint Aches

One needs to contact a care provider if there is redness or pain where the shot is given, or the pain remains for more days. If one has severe allergic reactions to the first dose of the vaccine, they are not supposed to take the second one. If you have mild effects like fever, body pains, headaches, etc., you can take paracetamol.

Even after getting vaccinated, take precautions by keeping a distance from others. Wear a mask in crowded places, clean hands frequently, cover cough or sneezes in your bent elbow and have good ventilation in the room by opening the windows.

Vizag Volunteers has been providing various services from Plasma donation to oxygen concentrators to blood donation etc. If one needs any support during this COVID situation, please contact us at 7337335557 or visit our website for more detailed information.

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